Sunday, June 7, 2020

498a में बेल कैसे लें जानिए कोर्ट की शर्तें so do not apply for bail in false 498a

498a में बेल कैसे लें जानिए कोर्ट की शर्तें so do not apply for bail in false 498a
498a or 498a ipc was introduced as an amendment in IPC in 1983 but instead of protecting women, this 498a has turned into a weapon named false 498a and people start searching for “498a में बेल कैसे लें जानिए कोर्ट की शर्तें so do not apply for bail in false 498a” and they are also on the same time worried about the “Can someone leave India if being charged with IPC 498A?” for the reason that 498a conviction rate is low and even as per Supreme Court of India, false 498a cases are on a sharp rise in India and therefore to curb the menace and for the punishment for a wife filing false 498a, atur chatur helpline in India have started a social stigma service to help Indian husbands and NRI’s for their query i.e., Can someone leave India if being charged with IPC 498A? and due to such notorious women using 498a as a weapon instead of a shield, the SC has issued judgments to help men victimized by women and therefore people search for “how to fight 498a” or simply “how to cancel false 498a” in India in 2020, so now few questions come to mind such as:- 498a में बेल कैसे लें जानिए कोर्ट की शर्तें so do not apply for bail in false 498a, because people are still searching for Can someone leave India if being charged with IPC 498A? as getting a false 498a FIR cancelled is their priority.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Can someone leave India if being charged with IPC 498A? India

Can someone leave India if being charged with IPC 498A? India
What Happens Once An FIR Has Been Registered? by Atur Chatur : As per Atur Chatur, When the FIR u/s 498a ipc has been registered then the procedure after registration of fir need to be followed and 498a husband often wonders as to :  Can someone leave India if being charged with IPC 498A? and these some other questions pops up in his mind which may be based on queries such as:- What happens after FIR is registered? | Can FIR be filed in any police station? | Can FIR be filed online? | What is the process of FIR in police station? court procedure after fir | fir cancellation procedure | how to know if fir is filed against me | fir process | fir is valid for how many days | fir time limit | what happens after chargesheet is filed | withdrawal of fir by complainant but the original query is still unresolved for the Non Resident Husband or Indian Resident husband trapped in false 498a by his 498a wife i.e., “Can someone leave India if being charged with IPC 498A?”. Hence, if after the registration of FIR the procedure is followed in a righteous manner then the success may be guaranteed and the husband’s query i.e., Can someone leave India if being charged with IPC 498A? gets resolved automatically. So, if there is any NRI fighting for divorce without coming to India then instead of contacting the man cell if he directly understands the procedure for FIR and investigation then he may contest these cases easily using the above queries especially Can someone leave India if being charged with IPC 498A?. Email:-

Thursday, June 4, 2020

men cell in faridabad | india

In INDIA, false 498a victims start looking for a helpline for men or mens helpline or men’s commission in India like there is women commission is delhi in the form of National Commission for Women (NCW), similarly, men/ boys harassed by women and ladies search for NCM i.e., National Commision for Men or Men Cell Delhi type functionaries in Delhi instead of searching for Man Cell Near Me, and sometimes they come across men cell in faridabad and they think that this men cell in faridabad will help them in getting relief from CAW (Crime Against Women) Cell or Mahila Thana (Woman Cell) in their respective localities, but, in reality, these men cell in faridabad are formed by non-governmental entities i.e., men cell in faridabad is not a government organisation, so one may wonder as to how these cells for men | man | mentoo may help guys coming to men cell in faridabad and the answer is the links or helpful links available at men cell in faridabad which we may ourselves find at men cell in faridabad or we may contact these guys at men cell in faridabad using the contact form given at men cell in faridabad and in this way we may get full and exact from men cell in faridabad for all the residents of this location seeking help from fighters and winners who themselves know how to close false fir u/s 498a by expert assistance and guidance of atur chatur at his email id :

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Indian Government will never ever constitute any Men Cell in Delhi, so if you are looking for the address of Man Cell in Delhi or MEN CELL IN HUBLI AND DHARWAD then you have been strongly misguided by those Cry Baby Groups in India who are faking themselves to be Men Rights Activists, but in reality such SIF, SIFF or Save India, Save Indian Family Movement type guys are prospective ministers looking for twitter followers or fan following so that they could lobby the political parties seeking a seat to fill their pockets so as a 498a victim husband, you must seek/ search/ look for the query i.e., nri matrimonial disputes: government to issue loc against husbands evading arrest. And NRI husbands suffering from false 498a or Misuse of 498a ipc by wife must stay away from such Men Rights Activism in India because if an Indian Husband or a NRI Husband (Non Resident Indian Husband) or a Foreign Citizenship holder Indian Husband living abroad in USA/ UK/ Canada, Australia/ UAE wishes to fight for his rights especially false 498a and false maintenance u/s 125 crpc or false Domestic Violence Petition by his wife in India then he must seek answers for nri matrimonial disputes: government to issue loc against husbands evading arrest because a NRI 498A HELPLINE in India helps Indians living abroad also, and also the relatives of NRI husband i.e., those relatives of NRI husband who are living in India but have been unnecessarily accused and roped in false 498a and false DV Act complaint by NRI’s wife in India so first of all the Non Resident Indian from USA should seek to answer the problem i.e., nri matrimonial disputes: government to issue loc against husbands evading arrest. Similarly, in entire India there is no MAN Cell or mencell ever constituted by the Government of India like you may not find the full and complete address of Men Cell Delhi, therefore 498a, pocso, 376, 377, 313, 307, 306 and other false ipc victim boys, husbands, men and NRI’s must get answer to this query i.e., NRI Matrimonial Disputes: Government to Issue LOC against Husbands Evading Arrest in order to learn fighting tactics to handle false CAW Cell 498a complaint within Crime Against Women Cell itself and therefore to learn tactics as to “How to close false CAW or false FIR” within CAW Cell itself and that too without using any advocate and without coming to India and without even giving Power of Attorney to anyone back in India i.e., simply closing/ cancellation of false CAW Cell complaint or to cancel a false FIR sitting right outside India through a LTR (Lego-Technical Representation) using expert guidance from aturchatur from India as Atur Chatur through his email may guide you tactics and strategies to close a false FIR u/s 498a without advocate and without coming to India and without even getting into trouble of Red Corner Notice, Blue Corner Notice, Extradition, Deportation, Immigration, Proclaimed Offender, Passport Issues, Travel Issues, Passport Seizure, Passport Renewal, LOC, llOOK Out Circular, TEP (Tax Evasion Petition), or RTI to close false 498a and so on. So, you must close a false 498a, party in person without advocate, without vakalatnama, without RTI, without counter case, without coming to India, without power of attorney and by just using a LTR with recent Supreme Court Judgments helpful in closing a false CAW or false 498a by disgruntled wife. Get in Touch with NRI 498A HELPLINE from India by Atur Chatur and enjoy success in your career and matrimonial life. Email Helpline :

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

deportation of nri from abroad in family law divorce case file din india or abroad

deportation of nri from abroad in family law divorce case file din india or abroad
Whenever you are stuck on the question,, What is law if 498a proved false? then you just need to concentrate on the true expertise of Atur Chatur as an expert in dealing with MAN CELL related helpline for men in India because only he can answer your such query which concerns the subject of a false dowry FIR or a false Maintenance or false domestic violence case i.e., What is law if 498a proved false? But still, if any NRI husband wishes to check his criminal record, then such Non Resident Husband may do so by visiting the concerned police station or it can be done without coming to India using the Right to Information Act as per Atur Chatur. And when it’s a matter of NRI (Non Resident Husband)’s 498a section complaint or FIR, then in such cases the Men Cell Delhi helpline for NRI’s may be used vis-à-vis NRI 498A HELPLINE in Delhi so that the NRI husband may seek reconciliation or mediation or compromise or settlement or Mutual Consented Divorce or MOU for the closure of a false 498a complaint by NRI’s wife in India for the question What is law if 498a proved false? Also check:- deportation of nri from abroad in family law divorce case file din india or abroad for ways to handle CAW Cell in Delhi, how to fight false 498a and how to close false domestic violence complaint by wife including how to cancel or nullify the maintenance case of wife in India and How to Nullify a Fraud Marriage by NRI’s wife due to fraud, mistake, coercion or misrepresentation through provisions of annulment w.r.t your problem vis-à-vis What is law if 498a proved false? For any queries, email Atur Chatur at:-